Flag on the Field
A Color Guard Story
Meet Amy Mitton: a senior at Central Michigan University, a color guard captain for the Marching Chips and an aspiring drum corps member. Follow her journey from being a young flag twirler to a collegiate rank captain.

Football games are filled with a variety of sounds. For some it’s whistles and the snap of the ball. For others it’s the cracking open of a beverage at a tailgate and the cheering of the crowd in the stands. For Amy Mitton it’s the flapping of her flag, the happy chatter of some of her closest friends and the tunes played by the Marching Chips.
Amy Mitton has been performing color guard since she was in middle school. Now her sights are set on going professional in Drum Corps International.
The CMU Marching Chips begin their Game Day at Kelly Shorts Stadium at the crack of dawn and end wrapped around the group's designated tree near the Student Activities Center.
While it is a long day, it's one full of traditions, dances and cheers that make it all worth it, said CMU color guard member Amy Mitton.
Isabelle Pasciolla
Instagram: isabellep_14
Twitter: IPasciolla